I used Anypoint Studio v14 for the MuleSoft tests and VisualVM to monitor JVM memory and CPU. As for the Kafka topic, I found Confluent to be straightforward to implement. You can set up your topic within a couple of minutes using their free trial.
Confluent Setup:
- Basic cluster type, single zone
- Cluster locations is AWS EU Central 1 and I performed the tests from Amsterdam
- Topic
- 6 Partitions
- ~2 MB Max Message Size
- 7 Days retention
Mule (Studio) Setup:
I used 0.2 cores equivalent mule configuration and my studio runs on MacOS M1 Pro Monterey v12.6.7.
For the connectors, I used Kafka Connector (v4.7.1) and HTTP Connector (v1.7.3) on Mule Server 4.4.0 EE.