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Optimize performance and resolve issues faster with a centralized logging framework for MuleSoft

The framework enables users to easily and centrally monitor MuleSoft applications while gaining valuable insights. With its centralized nature, transactions can be tracked across different APIs, facilitating the generation of dashboards and alerts. This simplifies the identification, addressing, and resolution of issues.

What is Centralized Logging & Monitoring, and why is it important?

Centralized logging plays a vital role in the efficient management of networks, infrastructure, and applications by collecting logs and consolidating them into a single location for storage and analysis. This practice offers administrators a comprehensive view of network activity, streamlining the identification and troubleshooting of issues.

One of the key advantages of centralized logging is the ease of transaction identification. By leveraging business keys such as order IDs, these unique identifiers propagate across different systems that share the centralized logging infrastructure. As a result, logs can be filtered across multiple APIs, enabling more precise searches and the creation of custom dashboards. This empowers administrators to visualize data and efficiently troubleshoot transactions, leading to quicker issue resolution and improved system performance.


Centralized logging provides the benefit of extended data storage. The structured logs are retained for more than 30 days, surpassing the limitations of the MuleSoft monitoring system. Instead of needing to search for raw logs in each API, administrators have access to historical data within the centralized logging solution. This extended storage duration proves invaluable for various purposes, including comprehensive analysis, compliance audits, and retrospective debugging.

By centralizing the logging process, both testing and operational procedures experience a significant boost in efficiency. With streamlined access to logs across multiple APIs, testing processes become more agile, and debugging efforts are expedited. This time-saving advantage allows teams to focus their efforts on other critical tasks, driving overall productivity and fostering innovation.

It serves as a cornerstone for effective network management. It simplifies issue identification and resolution, facilitates comprehensive transaction monitoring, and enhances operational efficiency. By leveraging the power of centralized logging, administrators can unlock the full potential of their systems and optimize their overall performance.

Elastic Stack

The Elastic Stack, a powerful suite of open-source products developed by Elastic, offers users a comprehensive toolkit to extract data from diverse sources in any format. This versatile stack empowers organizations to seamlessly handle the real-time search, analysis, and visualization of their data, unlocking valuable insights and driving data-driven decision-making.

At the core of the Elastic Stack lies its ability to facilitate real-time search, enabling users to swiftly explore and discover relevant information within their vast datasets. With its robust indexing and querying capabilities, users can efficiently navigate through their data, perform complex searches, and uncover critical patterns or trends that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Advanced Analytics & Visualizations

The Elastic Stack boasts advanced analytics features, enabling organizations to derive meaningful insights from their data. With powerful aggregations, statistical computations, and machine learning capabilities, users can uncover hidden correlations, perform anomaly detection, and gain a deeper understanding of their data’s behavior.

The stack’s visualization components provide users with the means to create intuitive and user-friendly dashboards, enabling them to present data in a visually compelling manner. These customizable dashboards allow for the seamless monitoring of key metrics, performance indicators, and data visualizations. Moreover, the Elastic Stack empowers users to configure automated alerts and notifications, ensuring timely awareness of any issues or deviations from predefined thresholds. This feature guarantees prompt resolution and facilitates appropriate team involvement to mitigate potential risks or challenges.

One of the key strengths of the Elastic Stack lies in its seamless integration with a wide range of infrastructures. Whether deployed on popular cloud platforms like AWS, GCP, or Azure, or within on-premises environments, the stack effortlessly adapts to existing setups, ensuring compatibility and scalability across various infrastructural landscapes.

The Framework

The framework is an accelerator that allows for the sending of application logs to a centralized monitoring tool, such as the Elastic Stack. This approach enables all the benefits of a centralized logging solution without the need for additional code development. Two versions of the framework are available: one with a centralized app and one without it.

In the first version, a centralized app is responsible for receiving data from other applications through a queue and sending it to the Elastic Stack. Additionally, all Mule apps that import the framework correctly publish logs on the queue. The choice of the queue system is determined by each client, considering their current infrastructure.

In the second version, each application takes charge of sending logs directly to the Elastic Stack. Consequently, there is no need for a queueing system or a centralized application.

Benefits of Logging & Monitoring Framework

The framework serves as a powerful accelerator, empowering users to gain clear visualizations of logs within their centralized monitoring tool. By leveraging this framework, potential issues can be readily identified, addressed, and resolved with ease.

Through the framework’s centralized monitoring capabilities, users are equipped with enhanced visibility into their applications and systems. This enables efficient detection of anomalies, errors, and performance bottlenecks, providing valuable insights for proactive troubleshooting and optimization.

Streamlined Monitoring & Customizable Dashboards

With the ability to visualize logs within the centralized monitoring tool, users can easily navigate through log data, drill down into specific events, and analyze patterns or trends. This streamlined approach significantly reduces the time and effort required to identify and address issues, ensuring smoother operations and minimizing any potential impact on the overall system.

The framework offers flexibility and customization options, allowing users to tailor their monitoring dashboards to suit their specific needs. Critical metrics and key performance indicators can be highlighted, ensuring quick identification of potential bottlenecks or areas of concern. Additionally, configurable alerts can be set up within the monitoring tool, providing real-time notifications whenever specific thresholds or criteria are met, enabling prompt action by the appropriate teams.

By leveraging this comprehensive framework, users can optimize their monitoring processes, enhancing system stability, reliability, and overall performance. The centralized visualization of logs not only facilitates swift issue resolution, but also provides valuable insights for proactive system management and continuous improvement.


In summary, the logging framework serves as a powerful accelerator, empowering MuleSoft applications to seamlessly send application logs and metrics to a centralized monitoring tool, such as the highly recommended Elastic Stack. The Elastic Stack, favored by industry experts like Devoteam, offers unparalleled flexibility as it can be effortlessly installed on any infrastructure and seamlessly scales to meet evolving needs.

By leveraging the logging framework in conjunction with the Elastic Stack, organizations can unlock a wealth of benefits. One of the key advantages lies in the creation of insightful dashboards, enabling easy visualization of crucial metrics and providing valuable insights. These dashboards facilitate the identification of potential issues, allowing organizations to proactively address and swiftly resolve them. Moreover, the Elastic Stack’s robust alerting system ensures that relevant teams are promptly notified whenever critical thresholds are breached, enabling rapid response and resolution.

Notably, the power of the Elastic Stack extends beyond MuleSoft applications alone. With its versatility and compatibility, organizations can monitor transactions holistically across various systems, leveraging business keys to reconstruct the entire transaction lifecycle. This comprehensive monitoring capability offers organizations a unified view of their operations, enabling them to gain a deeper understanding of their processes and optimize performance across the board.

Revolutionizing MuleSoft Application Monitoring

To adopt the logging framework, MuleSoft API templates need to be updated to incorporate its functionalities seamlessly. In the case of the centralized application version, the implementation of a queue system becomes essential. This queue system acts as a communication channel between the centralized MuleSoft app and the Elastic Stack, facilitating the seamless transmission of logs. On the other hand, for organizations opting for the alternative version, where each application takes charge of sending logs directly to the Elastic Stack, there is no need for a queueing system or centralized application.

The beauty of the Elastic Stack lies in its adaptability to diverse infrastructures. Regardless of the infrastructure in use, whether it’s AWS, GCP, Azure, or even on-premises environments, the Elastic Stack can be effortlessly installed and integrated. This flexibility ensures that organizations can leverage the power of the Elastic Stack, regardless of their existing technological landscape.

In conclusion, the logging framework, when combined with the Elastic Stack, revolutionizes the monitoring and analysis of MuleSoft applications. Through centralized logging, insightful dashboards, and powerful alerting capabilities, organizations can proactively identify and address issues, optimizing system performance and enhancing overall operational efficiency. The ability to leverage the Elastic Stack beyond MuleSoft applications also empowers organizations to gain a comprehensive view of their transactions, facilitating holistic monitoring and performance optimization.