The list of 5 problems described in this e-book is not an exhaustive one; in different situations, there are many more problems that can be caused by aging IT systems. We have selected these 5 problems based on the frequency of occurrence we have noticed. What these problems have in common is that they can impact a company both in a direct and indirect way. Direct effects can be felt and measured by the company itself, and concern missed revenues, high costs, and increasing risks. The indirect effect of these problems on a company is that they cause competitive disadvantages compared to competitors who have a more modern IT landscape which allows them to cut costs, tap more revenue sources, and respond to changing market conditions quicker.
Now is the time to modernize
The first step of any software modernization program is finding out why you are considering it. What are the reasons software modernization sounds like an appealing proposition for your company? A clear view of the reasons for starting this process can help in determining what actions to take, and how to measure success. Want to learn more about Software Modernization? Have a look at our white paper Software Modernization: 7 considerations before starting.
At Devoteam we have a strong Software Engineering practice and our roots in the areas of DevOps and Integration. With this combined skill set we are able to guide companies in their digital battles. Our +/-300 technology consultants guide clients through their digital transformations from day to day, from integration, API Management, Cloud, and Microservices to DevOps, Automation (CICD), Software Engineering, and Data. Working together with the world’s leading technologies such as Microsoft, Google Cloud, AWS, and Mulesoft, Devoteam functions as a trusted consulting and implementation partner for enterprises and governmental organizations.