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Microservices Architecture

‘Microservices’ is the new buzzword in IT. Though the concept is not new, it can be an enabler for improving your IT delivery process. Microservices architecture is a software architecture style in which a single application is divided into small services, each running on its own, but communicating with each other using lightweight mechanisms like HTTP resource API.

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The good-old approach towards software

The most natural way to create an application is to build it as one single unit of code: a so-called Monolithic Architecture. They will have a (often browser-based) user interface and data is stored in a relational database, but the server-side application is still a monolith, one piece of code.

And that’s where Microservices come in

As this frustrated people and businesses, the Microservice Architecture evolved. Applications are built as a collection (or suite) of services. Services are developed independently and focus on doing a small task, allowing them to be deployed independently. These services need a bare minimum of centralized management and it is possible to combine different programming languages and use different data storage technologies.

The pros of Microservices

  • Individual components
  • Organized around business capabilities
  • Re-use of services
  • Logic communication between components
  • Only use what you need
  • Decentralized Data Management
  • Design for failure
  • Evolutionary Design
More about the key benefits of Microservices

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