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Devopsdays Amsterdam 2024: Our Takeaways

Attending Devopsdays Amsterdam has been a yearly ritual for Devoteamers for many years now. We are proud to be associated with this conference as Gold sponsors again this year, along with our partners such as Elastic and Google.

Devopsdays Amsterdam is the foremost socio-technical conference in the Netherlands, and one of the best of its kind globally, with some of the organisers being global core members. This year we built more connections and had many interesting conversations around platform engineering, DORA (showcasing OpenDORA), our TechRadar, and of course, GenAI. In this blog, we collectively summarise our favourite talks, ideas, and personal experiences from this year’s edition.

General takeaways

Takeaway #1: Emphasis on community and networking

Devopsdays is not just about attending presentations but also about connecting with passionate people in the DevOps field. The event fosters a sense of community through engaging conversations, good food, and enjoyable experiences, which makes it a valuable networking opportunity.

Takeaway #2: Focus on Generative AI

AI, particularly Generative AI, was a hot topic at this year’s event. Many sponsors, including Devoteam, showcased demos and applications related to GenAI, particularly chatbots, highlighting the growing importance of AI in the industry.

Takeaway #3: Discovering new technologies

Some of our colleagues noted that as a first-time attendee, the event was enriching. Meeting like-minded individuals, discovering new technologies, and learning from various presentations was enriching. The event also provided an opportunity to get to know colleagues better, making it a well-rounded experience.

Takeaway #4: Interactive and diverse sessions

Devopsdays is one of the most interactive events, with a balanced mix of technical deep dives, cultural talks, and open space discussions. This diversity makes the event engaging and inspires attendees to consider contributing as speakers in the future.

Takeaway #5: Welcoming environment for newbies

Some of us that attended Devopsdays for the first time this year found the event less intimidating than expected, thanks to the supportive Devoteam team. We recommend the event to everyone, regardless of experience level, and want to highlight the value of the overall experience, which includes knowledge, networking, and, of course, the enjoyable atmosphere.

Our favorite keynotes at the Devopsdays

‘Platform Engineering’s Inferno’ by Matteo Bianchi

The keynote “The Platform Engineering’s Inferno” was particularly engaging. The speaker used Dante’s Inferno to visualise the challenges inherent in DevOps culture, with each layer of the inferno representing increasingly difficult challenges. Ultimately, the speaker provided solutions to navigate these challenges and avoid reaching the stage of ultimate chaos.

‘Platform Engineering at Bol: Unveiling Insights from Adopting a Web Portal’ by Onno Ceelen and Roy Triesscheijn

The talk on platform engineering at Bol introduced the concept of a web portal serving as a central hub to provide resources, making tasks easier. This was a new and intriguing idea, highlighting how Bol applied this concept to address their challenges and demonstrating the value a platform can bring.

‘Failing to Learn vs Learning to Fail’ by Sasha Czarkowski (Rosenbaum)

The keynote on ‘Failing to Learn vs Learning to Fail’ discussed the importance of learning and innovation in DevOps. The speaker explained how a growth mindset can set individuals and teams up for success. The talk made complex theories on learning very digestible and relatable, emphasising the importance of being open-minded to new topics in the ever-evolving DevOps domain.

‘Developer Experience is central to DevOps success’ by Jeremy Meiss

A talk on the significance of developer experience in DevOps success resonated with many attendees. The discussion focused on the overwhelming number of tools available to developers and highlighted that while developer experience is crucial, the specific tools used are less important. The key takeaway was that what matters is finding what works best for the individual developer.

Projects we liked and learned about

Platform as a Service with Spotify’s Backstage

Bol showcased their Platform as a Service using Spotify’s Backstage. This platform was set up for developers to have all the services they need in one place, combining multiple technologies for easy access. For example, metrics about an application were easily accessible by simply navigating the platform, making it more convenient for developers who no longer need to access several different tools.

Meritocracy in Tech

A talk on the promise of meritocracy in Tech explored the opportunities and constraints within the industry, with a focus on women and other minorities. The speaker presented data and research to highlight fairness in the workplace and discussed the impact of current efforts to promote equality. The talk challenged attendees to consider their own roles in shaping a fair workplace.

Efficiency through Platform Engineering

The concept of platform engineering, particularly Bol’s implementation, opened eyes to a more efficient way of working. Having a portal with all necessary tools, services, and information for developers can streamline processes. The speakers shared their discoveries and complexities, highlighting the benefits of such a platform.

Developer platforms in large organisations

The talk on Developer Platforms at Bol was particularly impactful. This subject is gaining traction in the DevOps space, and it was insightful to hear lessons learned by a large organisation that has implemented it. Their iterative approach to developing and refining the platform was inspiring.

Dialogue-driven development

A talk on dialogue-driven development emphasized the importance of frequent and consistent communication with users. Despite the presentation being somewhat difficult to follow, the project’s focus on stimulating collaboration across teams highlighted a fundamental aspect of DevOps. This approach demonstrates how crucial continuous dialogue is for successful development and teamwork.