Cloud Native Trend Report 2024

At Devoteam, our experts work with the newest technologies to create value for our customers. This gives us a great perspective on the real value of these technologies. Not just surfing the technology hype, but understanding why and how these technologies can make a difference for businesses.

Each year, we shed light on the emerging trends within the IT market while offering our perspectives on these developments. We are very happy and proud to be able to introduce you to this year’s trend report.

Our 5 key themes:

  1. Cloud Native Developments
  2. The Future of AI
  3. API Management
  4. Data Driven
  5. IT Business

With the cloud maturing, cloud strategies are becoming more important. What is the place of Sovereign Cloud in your Cloud Native Development mix? And what about the emergence of platform teams and Internal Development Platforms. Will this affect your business?

These questions are answered with four topics:

  • Sovereign Cloud Underpins Cloud Smart Strategy
  • Revolutionizing Developers Productivity with Cloud Development Environments
  • Embracing Serverless Computing
  • Platform Engineering’s Role in Modern DevOps

The topic of AI is popping up everywhere. In this year’s articles, we will also show you that it has been around for a while and that we have been working with it for a long time. We see this era of Generative AI as a great boost, accelerating AI development. In the theme Future of AI’ we also take a look at how to use and implement AI at scale with the right governance. Now that the first hype is over, how will it change your business?

This theme will be discussed with the following topics:

  • Kubeflow & Vertex AI pipelines Bring A New Standard To Working With MLworkflows
  • Gen AI ‘24 Adoption Trends
  • Building Trust, Mitigating Risk, And Safeguarding Security In AI Ecosystems

API Management is becoming more important in a distributed infrastructure and application environment, especially in hybrid environments. As organizations strive for seamless integration and efficient governance across diverse systems, the role of API Management emerges as fundamental.

We discuss this theme further in the following articles:

  • Integrating Cloud Native Business Applications
  • Harnessing Cloud Native Technologies For Data Liberation
  • Governing Heterogeneous API Implementations
  • Automating The Future: Elevating API Design and Delivery

In hybrid environments, you also have to consider where your data resides and how you can use real-time analytics to become a truly data-driven organization. In the following article, we go delve into real-time analytics and what it can do for your organization:

  • Real-time Analytics, From Buzzword To Actual Use Case

All of these technolgies will not create the value it promises if you do not build an organization to support it the right way. The IT Business should not just have a technical focus. But then, what should the focus be?

We answer this question with the following two articles:

  • Modeling The Modern Enterprise
  • Diversity As A Foundation To Build A High Performing Teams

In the last chapter, we want to refer back to an article from last year’s IT Trend Report, “IT experts are the new gold”. Will this still be the case in 2024? Find out the answer in the article “Is The IT Expert Still Worth Their Weight In Gold?”.