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Elastic Tech Meetup about Advanced Watchers & Semantich Search

On Monday, November 21, we hosted an awesome meetup at the Elastic Amsterdam HQ! In this short blog, we will give you an overview of the event and the talks.

To start off, a short after-movie of the atmosphere

The inspiring ‘techie’ talks

Talk #1: Deep-dive into Advanced Watchers
When you are monitoring your IT performance and you have multiple dashboards in your organization, how are people triggered to look at them when an issue arises?
Alerting is your answer. In this session, we dove into setting up Advanced Watchers to create smart alerting, including a demo.

Speakers: Tako Grijpma (Lead consultant @Devoteam) & Maarten Corver (Senior Elastic Engineer @Devoteam)

Talk #2: Engineering Semantic Search at Elastic
Users increasingly expect text search to work like “google search” where relevant results are not just based on keyword matches, but on user intent and query meaning. For example, searching for “How to set up Elasticsearch?” should return documents such as “Elasticsearch configuration”, “Elasticsearch installation: first steps” which may not contain the words “how to set up”.

Traditionally, information retrieval in Elasticsearch is based on the BM25 ranking function but with the addition of vector search and the ability to perform inference using large NLP models, there are now additional options to improve search relevance in the Elastic platform. This talk gave an overview of the problem and the solution space and showed an introduction to how Elastic engineering is approaching the problem, plus an overview of the Elastic roadmap.

Speaker: Steve Dodson (Distinguished Engineer II @Elastic)

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