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Do you know: how to solve a mapping conflict in your Elasticsearch index?

Each week, a new “Do You Know” will be posted on our Elastic Technical Knowledge Hub to share useful knowledge to improve the observability using Elasticsearch. These topics originate from day-to-day challenges we solved for our clients. A stepwise description helps you to successfully implement solutions on improving the performance of your deployment and get the best monitoring of your applications using dashboards and alerting.

This week I will discuss: how to solve a mapping conflict in your Elasticsearch index.


When a new document is indexed, Elasticsearch automatically infers the data types of the fields based on the first document received. If subsequent documents contain the same field but with a different data type, Elasticsearch will generate a mapping exception. To resolve this issue, a mapping of the field must be applied, and subsequently re-indexing your data will remove the mapping conflict.


In Kibana, go to the menu and choose Stack Management Data View. Check your data view on mapping conflicts. When a mapping conflict occurs, you can retrieve the index name and the conflicting field type by clicking on the conflicting field type.

Create your mapping by updating your index template.

In Kibana go to: Stack Management Index Management Index Template.

Search for your index template and choose Edit. At Tab 4: Mappings, choose Add field. Map the Field Name and Field Type. Save the template and perform an index rollover:

POST <index name>/_rollover

In case you do not have an index template, just perform the following query in the Dev Tool in Kibana:

PUT /my_index
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "<field name>": {
        "type": "<choose your type, like text or object>"

Perform a re-index of your data that contains a mapping conflict.

POST _reindex
  "source": {
    "index": "source"
  "dest": {
    "index": "dest",

After the re-indexing took place, go to Kibana to Stack Management Index Management Indices and remove the source index.  Your mapping conflict  does not longer exist.

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