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Maximising API Testing and APIOps with Kong Insomnia and Devoteam: the key to streamlining your API lifecycle

In the digital economy, APIs are the glue that binds systems, data, and services. For businesses, particularly in industries like finance, healthcare, and logistics, the reliability of APIs directly impacts customer experience and operational efficiency. At Devoteam Netherlands, we recognise that having the right tools to support API testing is critical for ensuring that APIs are secure, high-performing, and compliant.

Kong Insomnia is a powerful platform that not only simplifies API testing but also automates key parts of the API design and delivery lifecycle, also known as APIOps. By integrating best practices such as design collaboration, linting, mocking, semantic versioning, and automated testing, we help organisations accelerate API development and deployment along with secure data residency practices.

The importance of tool support for API Testing and APIOps

API testing ensures that your services run smoothly and integrate seamlessly with other systems. Kong Insomnia provides the key capabilities that make it a must-have for comprehensive API testing.

While testing is essential, automating the entire API lifecycle—from design to delivery—can deliver even greater benefits. Here are some of the critical practices that Kong Insomnia enables:

  1. API Design Collaboration: One of the main bottlenecks in API development is collaboration across teams. Kong Insomnia simplifies collaboration by allowing multiple developers and stakeholders to work together on API design in real-time. Using OpenAPI and other specifications, teams can ensure that the API design is aligned with business needs from the start. With integrated Git support, teams can have several branches of the spec in parallel, helping in continuous development.
  2. Linting: Ensuring your API follows best practices and is free from common mistakes is critical for long-term maintainability. Kong Insomnia provides built-in linting capabilities, which enforce coding standards and detect issues early in the development cycle. This keeps APIs consistent, clean, and easier to integrate with other systems.
  3. Mocking: Mocking APIs is essential during early stages of development or when dependent services are not available. Kong Insomnia’s mocking capabilities allow teams to simulate API responses without needing access to the actual API or back-end systems, facilitating parallel development and ensuring seamless integration testing. Kong Insomnia offers the option to mock on cloud or local for data sensitive customers.
  4. Automated Testing: Continuous testing throughout the API lifecycle ensures that APIs perform as expected under varying conditions. Kong Insomnia integrates with CI/CD pipelines, allowing automated tests to be triggered during development, ensuring rapid feedback on API changes, and catching issues before they reach production. This reduces time-to-market while ensuring reliability.

Data sovereignty and why it matters for financial institutions

Data sovereignty refers to the concept that digital information is subject to the laws of the country in which it is stored. For industries like financial institutions, this is a critical concern, as they handle highly sensitive customer data that must comply with strict regulatory frameworks such as GDPR, PSD2, and other local financial regulations.

While other API testing tools give you limited or no control where your test data is stored, with Kong Insomnia you can choose to store locally using your own Git repo or store in the cloud. In choosing to store the data in the cloud, Kong Insomnia offers end-to-end encryption (E2EE) of project data like API design specifications, collections, tests and other files ensuring that data is fully encrypted from sender to recipient, providing maximum security and privacy.

How Devoteam adds value

At Devoteam Netherlands, we go beyond simply providing Kong Insomnia licences—we offer expert consulting services to ensure that your API testing and APIOps are tailored to your specific needs. Our consultants specialise in the following:

  • Best Practice implementation: We help you integrate industry-standard best practices, such as API design collaboration, linting, mocking, and semantic versioning, into your workflows, ensuring that your APIs are future-proof and scalable.
  • Integration strategy: We help organisations optimise their integration practices using Kong Insomnia, making sure they can quickly and effectively integrate new services while minimising risk and disruption.


Kong Insomnia is more than just a tool for API testing—it’s a comprehensive platform that allows businesses to automate and streamline the entire API lifecycle. For organisations in heavily regulated industries such as financial services, the platform’s focus on data sovereignty is critical for compliance. At Devoteam Netherlands, we combine the power of Kong Insomnia with our expertise in API best practices to help organisations accelerate digital transformation while maintaining the highest standards of security and compliance.

Are you ready to elevate your API Testing and automation practices?

Let Devoteam help you implement Kong Insomnia and achieve a streamlined, compliant API strategy for your organisation.