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Chapter 1


Chapter 2

Executive summary

Chapter 5

5(+1) ways

Chapter 6


Chapter 7

Food for thought

Chapter 8


Chapter 1


Chapter 2

Executive summary

Chapter 5

5(+1) ways

Chapter 6


Chapter 7

Food for thought

Chapter 8


Chapter 1


Due to the nature of our work at Devoteam, we see a lot of the real-life issues that organizations are struggling with when implementing the cloud. Our mission is to deliver value to these organizations. So it is exactly these struggles that we help solve on a daily basis. The experience that we gain while doing that, and the ongoing research that we do on trends in the IT world, result in solid knowledge within our organization. We want to share that knowledge with you.

While brainstorming on a subject for our first Quarterly Outlook, the topic of cost in the cloud stood out. Cloud is gaining enormous momentum. Based on research that we did with IDC, its presence will only grow bigger in the coming years. Although the cloud can be a cost saver, we see it the other way around on multiple occasions. With this Outlook, we do not just want to describe the issues that we see. We also want to give you tangible directions that you can start to apply directly.

This is the first in what we expect to be a long tradition of Quarterly Outlooks. I am very proud of this document which is produced with the help of a lot of my colleagues, people that I enjoy working with and whom I respect for their massive amount of knowledge.

I hope you enjoy reading this outlook as much as we did writing it for you. And most of all, I hope this will help you to become even more successful in your cloud journey.