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Embracing Knowledge Sharing During The Software Engineering Tech Friday: Event-Driven Architectures

In today’s fast-paced world of technology, staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and sharing knowledge within a company is crucial for growth and innovation. At Devoteam, we understand the importance of continuous learning and collaboration among our software engineers. That’s why we organize frequent Tech Fridays, where our engineers come together to share knowledge, connect with each other and enhance their skills. In this article, we will take you through a recent Tech Friday at Devoteam, highlighting the exciting topics discussed and the valuable insights gained.

Event-driven architectures using the Axon Framework

On a sunny Friday afternoon, the air at Devoteam headquarters was buzzing with excitement as software engineers from various customer projects gathered for the much-anticipated Tech Friday. This time, we had the pleasure of hosting two esteemed external speakers who shared their expertise on event-driven architectures (EDA) and the best practices surrounding them. The session aimed to deepen our understanding of event-driven concepts and their relevance in modern software development.

The first speaker captivated the audience with an engaging presentation on event-driven architectures, shedding light on the key principles, benefits and challenges associated with this paradigm. The talk explored real-life use-cases and illustrated how event-driven systems can drive scalability, fault tolerance, and modularity. The audience was inspired to think beyond traditional request-response models and embrace event-driven approaches to build more resilient and responsive systems.

Following the enlightening talk, our second speaker facilitated a hands-on workshop on the Axon Framework. Participants delved into the world of CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and event sourcing, understanding how Axon Framework simplifies the implementation of these architectural patterns. The workshop provided valuable insights into building robust, scalable and maintainable systems using Axon Framework, empowering our engineers to leverage these techniques in their future projects.

Collaboration and networking

Our Tech Fridays don’t only focus on knowledge sharing, but also provide a platform for engineers to connect and build relationships with their peers. During the event, attendees had the opportunity to engage in vibrant discussions, exchange ideas and learn from each other’s experiences. The informal setting created an atmosphere of camaraderie, where engineers from different projects could share their unique perspectives and approaches to solving technical challenges.

To add an extra touch of delight to the event, delicious snacks and refreshing drinks were served to the attendees. As they mingled and networked, the informal setting encouraged conversations to flow naturally, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among the participants.