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Devopsdays Amsterdam 2023: Our Key Takeaways

Every year we make sure to attend Devopsdays Amsterdam at Pakhuis de Zwijger. The event is a great opportunity for our consultants to connect with like-minded Tech Enthusiasts, exchange knowledge and embrace the power of DevOps. This year, we went as Gold Sponsors, which meant we had enough space to show more of Devoteam.

One of our DevOps consultants, Robin Mohan, showed a demo of a Kubernetes cluster. We displayed it on the screen at our booth and people were intrigued and started asking questions. Connecting with fellow Tech Enthusiasts who share the same passion for technology was truly delightful.

Below, our consultants give you their takeaways, top talks and more.

General takeaways

Takeaway #1: Unraveling the true essence of the DevOps culture

Attending the DevOpsDays is a great way for a DevOps future or consultant to unravel the true essence of the DevOps culture and its impact on the industry. Professionals from various backgrounds were together for the event, which promoted a culture of knowledge sharing. The event’s discussions and real-world examples gave a wider perspective on the opportunities and difficulties of successfully implementing DevOps.

The attendees were involved in thought-provoking discussions and shared their insights, providing a great way to be introduced to new topics and challenges within the DevOps world. It was refreshing to realize that some problems are common across the board. It helps us look at the challenges we face with our clients from a new angle and get to the root of the issue, which is a big part of what we do.

Takeaway #2: Showing our strong commitment to the DevOps community

This year, Devoteam attended the Devopsdays as Gold Sponsors and over 25 of our own consultants came to the event. It was great to be present with a large group from Devoteam, showcasing our strong commitment to the DevOps community. On top of that, it also gave us the opportunity to speak to plenty of interesting people at the event.

Takeaway #3: A good opportunity to meet experts in the field

Networking is, and will always be, a key part of your professional life. Devopsdays was a good opportunity to meet experts in the field and get a broad idea of the field we are working in. By interacting with peers and industry leaders, we were able to gain important insights into DevOps ideas.

Devopsdays is a way more personal conference than the big ones. Real conversations took place, be it at the Open Spaces, the hallways, or the barbecue. This gave us plenty of inspiration and ideas to take back home and work on.

Our favorite keynotes at the Devopsdays

‘Learn Sociotechnical Systems The Hard Way by’ Andrew Clay Shafer

Andrew is one of the foremost voices in DevOps and you’d rarely pass on a chance to listen to him. This talk chronicles the research of decades starting with Deming, to the era of serverless and AI. Understanding the sociotechnical impact of systems is key to unlock the value of DevOps.

He skillfully abstracted the DevOps methodology we aim to promote, drawing parallels with research on mining companies from the 1960s. At first, the comparison seemed unconventional, yet it aptly demonstrated that the challenges companies face when transitioning to DevOps are less about implementing a new operational approach and more about fostering a mindset that values people and technology equally.

‘The Art of Turning Incidents into Opportunities’ by Bursa Koken

Bursa Koken provided tips and methods for creating a strong DevOps culture. By shifting our perspective on incidents and reframing them as opportunities for growth, we can embrace the chance to cultivate resilience.

Instead of concentrating on finding fault, she emphasized the value of establishing a proactive mindset and creating an environment where accidents are seen as chances for growth and change. Rather than being alarmed by outages or disruptions, we proactively handle them, extracting valuable lessons that empower us to enhance our systems, processes, and practices.

‘The Imposter Syndrome’ by Julia Sullivan

Julia Sullivan talked about fear and uncertainty whilst trying to reach internal success and the perfectionism that comes along with the process. It focused on recognizing those so-called flaws and daily struggles and turning them into a powerful source to use to your advantage.

Those that are success-driven and ambitious could resonate with her stories. She gave some nice insights that can be utilized in our own work life. It was refreshing to also hear about social aspects and the importance of having good relationships to succeed.

‘What if we were wrong?’ by Kris Buytaert

DevOps, collaboration, automation, monitoring, agile, CI/CD etc. are practices that have emerged as responses to the challenges of delivering software in a rapidly changing environment. They aim to improve collaboration, efficiency, quality and the ability to respond to customer needs effectively. As a trainee in the DevOps future track, it is interesting to follow a talk which critically analyzes our practices. It can be fruitful to explore how these practices can be refined and optimized for better outcomes.