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Assisting clients to go beyond an API-first approach

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Today, many public sector organisations are using an API-first development approach. What is this approach, and why is it so important?

API-first development means designing your products around APIs instead of forcing users to access your product through a web interface. This approach is more user-friendly and allows you to keep your products up-to-date and accessible to a broader range of users. In addition to allowing you to open your products up for reuse across the government, an API-first development approach can also help improve public sector organisations in several ways. Learn more about how this approach can help you achieve your goals and how you can manage it successfully in this blog post.

What is API-first development?

API-first development allows other software components to be built separately and integrated with the original application. This can reduce complexity and ensure better quality control. The first step in API-first development is to design the API, which helps to ensure that all the necessary components are in place before any action begins. This approach can reduce the time and effort needed to develop the software and ensure the end product is of the highest quality.

The process of API-first development

API-first development is a process in which an application’s functionality is first designed and implemented through APIs. It’s a great way to minimise risk, increase efficiency, reduce cost, and achieve better user experiences. By following these four simple steps, you can confidently begin any project and achieve great results. First, research the market to find a targeted niche/user base. Identify the target audience, design your interface/API first and when complete, build your MVP and test it with potential customers. If everything goes according to plan, your API-first application will be up and running in no time.

Benefits of API-first development

API-first development is a great way to build user interfaces that are intuitive and easy for clients to use. This approach also helps reduce the risk of mistakes, as the code is tested first before the release goes live. Additionally, as customer data is always available, it’s easy to tailor the product according to customer needs. In short, API-first development offers many benefits that are impossible to achieve with other development approaches. So, if you’re looking to build a product that’s easy to use and perfect for your customers or the general public, API-first development is the way to go.

How to open APIs up for reuse across the government

There are several benefits for governments in reusing APIs. API reuse can save time and money by reducing the development required to create a new API. Additionally, it can improve the speed and accuracy of government data access by allowing different departments and agencies to share their APIs. This opens up opportunities for enhanced collaboration and workflow efficiency between various departments, as well as faster response times to requests from the public.

API reusability also has a positive impact on public trust in government. By making government data available in a standardised format, it builds transparency and trustworthiness into the system. This reduces bureaucratic hurdles and makes it easier for the public to hold their government accountable. Developers can build applications that are more easily understood by the public.

Overall, API reuse has many benefits for governments – both financially and socially – that should not be overlooked.

Beyond an API-first approach

API-first is a great way to build a connection to an external system quickly. However, it doesn’t always provide the best experience for users. As a result, finding a solution that meets your customer’s needs and ensuring security and compliance regulations are met is essential. You can increase customer retention and engagement by going beyond an API-first approach. So, don’t be afraid to try something new – it might just be the best solution for your business.

Several hybrid integration technologies can help meet your customers’ needs while ensuring security and compliance. Mulesoft’s Hybrid Integration Platform (HIP) provides an approach to integrating systems that cross all major platforms, including Windows, iOS, Android, and web apps. This means it can easily be integrated into any existing business process or system.

Another advantage of using HIP is its vast range of capabilities for data management. This includes real-time data tracking, automatic data quality checks, and secure file sharing between systems.


In today’s ever-changing world, businesses need to adopt an API-first approach. Your business should focus on developing APIs and then using them to create new and innovative products. By doing this, you can cut down on development time and focus on what is important – creating high-quality products that meet your customers’ needs. Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Then read on for more information on implementing an API-first development process into your business.

To discuss your API-first approach, get in touch with the Devoteam here to learn more.