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Quickstart Jira Service Management

Supporting your Enterprise Service Management with Jira

We all are experiencing how our way of working has changed over the last few years. No longer are teams based in the same location, office, or even country. Teams have become more distributed. As a consequence, teamwork and collaboration have changed, so have the way we communicate.

Video meetings, calls, chat tools and emails have become the standard for all communication between teams and companies about daily tasks. Information sharing between team members in a distributed way and by that responsibilities are distributed too. This is common practice nowadays.

Our approach

Devoteam has created a quick-setup solution that standardizes the implementation of Atlassian Jira Service Management using our Enterprise Service Management best practice templates. Our quickstart solution is an Atlassian approved implementation approach, ready to use and adapted to your organizational needs.

Kick off and Planning

What needs to be done?

Workflow Implementation

How is it done?

Requests implementation

The first system with quick wins

Training and go live!  

Implementation of JSM

MuleSoft meetup

Waarom deze Jira Service Management quickstart?

  • How can we manage our support team’s workload?
  • Can we categorise our requests and how is it done?
  • How can we control the workflow and distribution of information and data going?

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